nak kongsi =))

hai semuaa....

haaa ney nk cyter ney pasal berita pagi td....haaa ak first tym ney stelah amek law nak nek sem 3 ney,baru dga berita pasal pngambilan  PROPERTY yg slalu blaku adalah pngambilan land...haaa ney berite pagi td kat twey, berita hot pasal property, article 13 of FEDERAL CONSTITUTION...article ney gler2 sorg kwn ak ney mnat...ak pown mnat ak mnat pasal kes  adong kuwau  ngan sagong tasi...ha ney due2 ney orang asli k yg land mreke tlah d ambil oleh krajaan....

"tp3 ak nk cyter pasal berita pagi td, ad 1 negeri ney land mreka nk d amek oleh krajaan negeri tu jgkkk sbb nk wt pmbinaan tok rakyat...rakyat2 negeri tu nk wat bantahan t'hadap pngambilan land tuuu...boleh kah???"

nk tau mai2 tgk berita naaaaa...drpd ape yg ak blaja lar kn...

"sekira'ye land sesorg tu nk d amek oleh kerajaan, no hearing can be make to the government at the court if land yang d amek oleh kerajaan tu is for public interest..."

haaa seee undang-undang has been stated about that u noeee...hal ini mmg akn blaku kat mne2 mlah kat negeri ak pown pnah blaku jgeee...heheheehe ha smbong2...

"sekira'ye sesorg bwak kes ney ke court, no discretion can be make by the court tetapi the land that acquired by government, at the court just can be discussed about the compensation only...haaa see3....."

mehhh sy translate kn..heheh kalu sesorg bwak kes ney ke mahkamah, xd bicara pape yg bleh d bwat mlainkn talk about ganti rugi...haaa okkk???sesorg yg d amek harta'ye mstilh kne tuntut compensation...rugi ooo kalu x tuntut pape...tp3 "yg ak cyter ney mngenai harta yg d amek oleh  krajaan  je taw"...kalu harte individu ad jalan len plak...haaa cm tu..mmg lar rmai yg akn brase x puas hati kn kalu property mereka d amek oleh sape2..kalu ak pown same msti nk ngamokk...hahahahha tp tu larh jalan'ye...ak dh cyter td kn...soooooe3???pk lar sndr ea...hehehhehaaaa tu lar kisah'ye nk kongsi2...heheheh sgt best kalu blaja law ney ble dh tauuu...heheheheh pissss =))))


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